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IRJ-CP#12 October 21, 2009

Posted by andrewg2013 in Creative Piece.

Conflicting Ability: An Open Habitat

The current state of his room displayed his homework and papers strewn across his long stained wood desk, and his backpack carelessly tossed on the ground. On top of his school papers, yellowed papers lay waiting to be studied. In the corner beside his desk, his baseball mitt and bat were stacked, taking up as little space as possible. His bed was wedged into the opposite corner with a nightstand and touch lamp accompanying it. A metal Yankees alarm clock set to 5:30 sat on top of a Klutz Lock Pick book. An extra pair of glasses clung onto the semi-open window shade. A random pear lay on his bed underneath his poster of the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show.

Hanging down from the top of his shelves full of Encyclopedia Brown, was a system of pulleys which seemed to be able to lift books up off the ground. One sock had been slid over the peg at the end of his bed and underneath, an assortment of rocks were lined up in little cubbies. Next to his sock, an open contact case was drying out. In front of his bathroom door, a folder of candy wrappers lay open on the ground.

The walls were painted a light green, and the door to his closet stood out in the low light. Next to his desk, the door that led into the hallway gave a good view of a man nearing the room.

IRJ-QR#11 October 20, 2009

Posted by andrewg2013 in Quick Response.
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Misplaced Magic: Using Two Eyes

When Snooty Buttoo makes an irrational comment to Rashid, Haroun has an epiphany. He thinks to himself, “…the real world was full of magic so magical worlds could easily be real,” (Rushdie, Salman. Haroun and the Sea of Stories. London: Penguin Books, 1991. 50. Print.)

After he observes Snooty Buttoo’s skepticism, Haroun makes a connection between what reality is, and what can become reality. The distinction that Haroun makes between magical worlds and reality is that in reality, the magic is seen less easily but is shoved forward into sight in magical worlds. Magical worlds may be exactly the same as real worlds, but are visualized through different eyes.

As in the beginning of the book The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, the professor can see things that the children can’t because he has journeyed and understood that the world is magic in itself, while the children still don’t know what to look for.

In the real side of our world we know what to look for, while in magical side of our world we must look through open eyes, observing everything at once. Not everybody is able to look for nothing and find something, but that is what magic behaves like. The word ‘magic’ describes what is in plain view, but what can’t be seen.

Proposition: Humans naturally want to focus on one thing at once, but it can be an epiphany to a person when they realize that magic is nothing to look for, but something to be.

IRJ-CP#10 October 15, 2009

Posted by andrewg2013 in Creative Piece.
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What Goes up, Comes Down: A Lost Soul

“Ok Class. You guys just got back from trips week and I decided to bake cookies for you.” Everyone suddenly became enticed in what Mr. Raset was saying. “When I read your name, come and get a cookie.” Mr. Raset picked up a stack of papers

I became uneasy at the sight of the papers. I could tell others were feeling the same way. “Rachel Angyl,” Mr. Raset cried out with a smile on his face. Rachel walked around the line of desks to receive her cookie. “Wait,” he said right before she grabbed a cookie. “First you need your test from the other week.” Rachel reluctantly grabbed her test and cookie and clambered awkwardly back to her seat. Once she had seated herself, she gradually lifted up her test to see her score. She pushed it back onto her desk with a look of awe in her eyes.

“I must have traded brains with a smart person,” she said to our questioning looks.

“Phillip Anum,” Mr. Raset called.

“What did you get?” someone asked Rachel as Phillip stolidly received his grade.

Rachel showed us her test. “A 48 out of 50.” David scoffed at her.

Mr. Raset called through the rest of our names and we all got cookies and good grades. “Alright guys. Like normal, I am going to take any questions you may have about your grade right now.”

Jane Reyn raised her hand. “Can I go to the bathroom?” she asked.

“Do you mean may you go to the bathroom?”


“Of course.” Jane rose languidly, expressing the pain she still had in her knee. She sinuously walked around the desks to the door which she softly closed after she left.

“I’ve got a question,” Jackie said.

“Ok, shoot.”

“When we get the equation of the slope of a tangent line from the division quotient, why is it that we set ‘h’ equal to ‘0’ only as an approximation?”

“Who has their calculator? Michael, can I borrow this?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Rachael, can you close the shades?”


Simon,” he said to me. “Can you turn off the lights?”

“Yep,” I said quietly. I hopped up from my seat and reached for the light switch. Just then the door flew open onto my finger and Jane fell in onto the nearest desk. Her hands were stained with a dark red from holding her stomach. She picked up a pen next to her and wrote ‘CU’. She tried to keep writing but she fell to the side, the rest of her life draining from her body onto the floor, the handle of the knife was the only think foreign to her body.

The class looked incredulously. All at once, people yelled and thronged around her to aid. It was too late.